Waffle Sticks with caviar

Waffle Sticks with caviar

I always imagine New Year’s Eve as a champagne, cocktails and small bites kind of party. Where you always have a glass in one hand and a snack in the other while you’re trying to blow a piece of confetti out of your eye, not trip over the carpet and keep your party hat on. Most likely you won’t be maneuvering around a big crowd this year but you might as well keep your balancing skills in tact. Which is why these waffle sticks are the perfect party food. They are easy to pick up and eat with one hand.

If you use our Tsar Nicoulai Blini Mix (just add another egg to package instructions for waffles), they are also incredibly easy to make. We have a gluten free mix that works for waffle batter as well, in case you are gluten free. Feel free to use your favorite (not too sweet) waffle recipe or even purchase frozen waffles and pop them in the toaster (we won’t tell anyone!). Hash browns or tater tot waffles will also work as a gluten free option or for a fun spin on potato latkes.

Square waffles give the best stick results. You want at least 4 wells - 3 to fill, 1 for sturdy holding.

Hurray to us for making it through 2020. Let’s all hope only the best of what we learned this year is what we take with us into the next.




Serving size will depend on your waffle iron. Below is double the recipe on the back of our Blini Mix package.


1 1/2 cups Tsar Nicoulai Blini Mix

4 eggs

1 cup milk

2 tbsp melted butter

6 tbsp water

Creme Fraiche

Chopped chives

Tsar Nicoulai Caviar or Roe


1. Make waffles: Combine egg, milk, water and melted butter in a bowl. Add Blini mix and stir to remove clumps. Make waffles according to waffle iron instructions.

2. Cut waffles into sticks. Fill one well with caviar or roe, the next with creme fraiche and the next with chives. You could also combine toppings into each well.

Olga Schafranek